Used as

  • Header
  • Card
  • Sidebar
  • Footer



This card allows you to format text in a card. It uses markdown (a markup language) to improve text formatting. You can also use some SFormat inside to resolve value (static value, not real time)



There are two ways to add it to the FlexPane:

  • Add a card from the settings bar, and choose in the list Markdown
  • Or drag&drop a component into a FlexView


  • Fill-in a title
  • Fill the content input with your markdown. The card allows you to make SFormat, it will take the parent of flexView as a base. Here is an example:

First example:

*145-141 Drury Ln, Holborn, London, UK*
**John Smith**
<br>*Facility manager*
<br>**David Brown**

Second example:

<img style="width:100%;height:auto;" src="{origin.ord('station:|slot:/Drivers/Outlook$20Calendar$20$28RestNetwork$29/Calendars/schedules/Events/Incoming$20Events/Event3Image').%out.value%}"/>
<h3 style="margin:0 4px">
<p style="margin:0 16px">
<p style="margin:16px 16px">
<p style="position:absolute;top:16px;left:16px;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:24px">

Flex Widget Properties

  • Content: The text of the card in markdown language
  • Refresh: The time in ms to refresh the card and the values inside it. It mus be greater than 1000 or equal to 0 to disable the refresh