Used as

  • Card


This Card is used to control the period of other cards (ChartViewerRankingChart...). This card allows you to:

  • Select a curstom group of history and display them into slave cards


There are two ways to add it to the FlexView:

  • Add a card from the settings bar, and choose in the list HistoryListSelector
  • Or drag&drop a component into a FlexView

If the history list is not refreshed, go to the HistoryApi in /Services/BtibService/apiController/history/ and trigger a clear cache action on it. Then refresh your card.

Flex Widget Properties

  • Selection: The request to resolve a list of histories
  • Format: The format to display histories in list. The format will take the historyConfig in the history component to be resolved. Use %historyDisplayName?id%  if you work with HistoryDisplayName.