Used as

  • Header
  • Card
  • Sidebar
  • Footer



This card can display any HTML5 existing view of a component: AlarmConsole, Scheduler, MapLocationView, PropertySheet etc.



There are two ways to add it to the FlexView:

  • Add a card from the settings bar, and choose in the list ComponentViewer
  • Or drag&drop a component from the nav tree into a FlexView

A part called "Component Agent" will appear. You can modify the ord field as for a classic px binding and you can choose the associated agent (the view) to display.


The ord can be relativized with slot: or slot:../../myComponent etc.


Flex Widget Properties

  • ComponentAgent: 
    • The Ord of a Component with the agent view to display. The Ord can be relative (it will be revolved from the component the FlexView is being on). The Ord can also include SFormat.
    • The Agent (the view) to display. This list will change depending on the given ord.