
This blocks is used to add a widget in an existing px view.



This block creates a widget that represents a source in the floor plan it is assigned to.



Behavior: DO

A widget is added in the target px. In case of REDO, this widget can be relocated or updated if the source widget itself has been updated (depending on the advanced config)

Behavior: UNDO

The widget is removed the from target px.

When a polygon is added for the first time, a hidden id will be added inside (you can see it if you open the text editor view on the px)
This id is composed of two handles, the handle of the origin and the handle of the block. 
Then on a second execution of the strategy, the block will build the id and look in the px if there is a widget with this id. If the widget exists, the bloc will update the widget (REDO) otherwise it will create it (DO)
You shouldn't copy paste the strategy, the sourcePx or targetPx to other stations as the handle will be probably different and you might have unexpected results.

Also be careful with the your widgets in your sourcePx, make sure that they don't contain an id.