
This component allows you to define one source among others. It has to be used exclusively in the NodeDrawer.

For example, it can be used to define which sources are master, and which ones are slaves.



This component is a NodeTag, so there are two way to add it to a node:

  • Copy / paste it from the palette in the targeted NodeDefinition (this approach requires an initialize).
  • Use the NodeTag Manager of each NodeDefinition:


The following properties of this component represent lists of tags and their values:

  • Groups To Select: Conditions to define the list of sources that will be presented in the NodeDrawer popup when a zone is created if the defined conditions are satisfied.
  • Groups To Add: Conditions to define the list of sources that will be added to the tag value that won't be display in the list (therefore, you can't select them) if the defined conditions are satisfied.

Example: b:equipement='FCU'|b:equipement='VC'|b:nature='sensor'|n:device


  • List Format: Define the sources format to display in the corresponding dropdown in the NodeDrawer.

Example: %parent.displayName%_%displayName% or {origin.outRel('parentDevice').%displayName%}


  • Conditions must be form by a tag name, an operator and a value to test.
  • Each condition should be split by a pipe " | ".
  • The value of the tag is given after the equal of the tag " = " and it should be surrounded by simple quote " ' " (like in NEQL).
  • Exception for the markers, only the name of the tag is necessary (ex: n:device)
  • You can't use inside "and" neither "or" operators, it's not a NEQL.