
This block is used to set a widget layout. The SetSlotInWidget can be tricky when it's about setting a widget layout and especially only the position. The Layout is made of 4 parts: x,y, width and height. This block is specially designed to update only a part of a layout.



  • Drag and drop the block from the palette
  • Link the "execute" action from the "executed" topic of the previous block



In this example we added before the following block a widget to a synoptic and created an artifact called {equipment}. We use the SetWidgetLayout block to position the widget without changing its width or height. The position is defined in a tag called b:position which is in the origin.


  • Target: SFormat to define the widget whose layout has to be changed. Ex: the widget defined as an artifact named "equipment" and created by a previous block.
  • Position: SFormat to define the position of the widget as a gx:Point (to define x and y). Use -1 if you want to keep the original one. Ex: a tag here called b:position of type gx:Point.
  • Width: SFormat to define the width of the widget. Use -1 if you want to keep the original one.
  • Height: SFormat to define the height of the widget. Use -1 if you want to keep the original one.

Behavior: DO

The layout of the widget is updated.


Behavior: UNDO

The layout of the widget is unchanged (the system doesn't keep a trace of the old value).