
There are properties in Niagara that can contain scripts: those are the formats (BFormat and SFormat).

A format can contain hard text as well as functions that apply to a target,

 called base or origin.

There are two types of formats: the BFormat and the SFormat.

The BFormat

The BFormat is recognizable by the

It is used in alarms and in history. It allows applying the same script at each point to dynamically create the sourceName, historyName etc.

The BFormat syntax

Text1 %format1% text2 %format2

The BFormat can contain hard text (text1 and text2) as well as scripts that must be defined between "%" (format1 and format2).

Scripts are composed of keys that are separated by “.”


The keys are solved one after the other. There is no limit to the number of keys.

Ex: "%parent.displayName%":

  • We start from the base
  • "parent": the parent of the database becomes the new database
  • "displayName": we get the displayName of the new database

Example on an alarm extension

In the alarm extension of a point, the "sourceName" property is a BFormat. This format

is resolved in relation to the extension itself.


  • "%displayName%": Alarm
  • "%parent.displayName%": Temperature
  • " ": Temp$e9rature
  • "%parent.parent.displayName% : %parent.displayName% " : Kitchen Temperature
  • "%parent. out%": 22°C {alarm}
  • "%parent.out.value%": 22°C
  • "%parent.out.status%": {alarm}
  • "%parent.out.status.isAlarm% ": true
  • "%parent.parent.Opening.out.value%": false
  • "%parent.parent.Temp$e9rate$202.out.value%": 19°C

The keys to BFormat

Any slot in the database can be called by the format. A slot must be called by

its encoded name (parent slot sheet > name).

Note: Since implied tags are not slots, they cannot be retrieved by BFormat.

The Java methods of the base can also be called. You can look at the Bajadoc of the components to see the available methods. Only GET methods can be called.

Example on an alarm extension

We can call the "elapsedActiveTime" property of an extension of type

DiscreteTotalizerExt to recover the running time.

  • "%elapsedActiveTime%": 6 days, 21 hours, 8 minutes, 53.156 seconds.

This is a RelTime property. If we look at the Bajadoc, we can find the

following methods:

We can therefore call these methods through the BFormat, by removing the "get" and starting with a lower case letter:

  • "%elapsedActiveTime.days%": 6
  • "%elapsedActiveTime.daysPart%": 6
  • "%elapsedActiveTime.hours%": 165
  • "%elapsedActiveTime.hoursPart%": 21

The special keys of the BFormat


Special keys can be called in a BFormat. There are 4 most used keys:

·     %name%

Retrieves the encoded name of the database

·     %displayName%

Retrieves the display name of the database

·     %slotPathOrd%

Retrieves the path to the base. Be careful, it starts directly with slot: and it is often necessary to add "station:|" in front. Ex : "station:|%slotPathOrd%"

·     %parent%

Retrieves the parent of the base, which becomes the new base.

There are also more advanced functions (to retrieve information from views or to manipulate texts for example):

·     %time()%

Get the current time of the host evaluating the BFormat (attention: it can be the one of the PC displaying the view)

Ex: "19-Feb-21 9:22 AM CET"

·     %user()%

Retrieves the username of the session (rather used on the view/client side)

Ex: "admin"

·     %lexicon(module:key)% 

Retrieves the translation key

Ex: "lexicon(driver:pingSuccess)" returns "Ping Réussi" in French

·     %format.substring(to)%

Removes the first x characters of a text:

  • %displayName%: « Temperature »
  • %displayName.substring(3)%: « perature »

·     %format.substring(-fromEnd)%

Retrieves the last x characters of a text:

  • %displayName%: « Temperature »
  • %displayName.substring(-3)%: « ure »

·     %format.substring(to,from)%

Retrieves the text between the two indexes:

  • %displayName%: « Temperature »
  • %displayName.substring(3, 6)%: « per »

·     %format.escape()%

Transforms special characters into their encoded values

  • %displayName%: « Temperature »
  • %displayName.escape()%: « Temp$e9rature »

·     %format.unescape()%

Transforms special characters from their encoded values

  • %name%: « Temp$e9rature »
  • %name.unescape()%: « Temperature »

·     %format1?format2

Try to solve format1. If it returns an error ("err:..."), then format2 is resolved and returned.

Ex: %shortName?displayName%. If the shortName property is not found on the

base, then the displayName will be returned.

The SFormat

This is where the real work begins! The SFormat is recognizable by the

The SFormat Syntax


Text1 {format1} text2 {format2}

The SFormat can contain hard text (text1 and text) as well as scripts that must be defined between braces "{}" (format1 and format2).

Scripts are defined by a sequence of functions. A function has a name and can have parameters. Its syntax is the following:

{function(param1, param2)}

  • All available functions are indexed in the SFormatHelper, which is opened

by clicking on the

  • In SFormat, we distinguish between the base and the origin.
    • The origin is the initial object on which the SFormat was executed. It is never

modified during the resolution of the SFormat.

  • The base is the object on which a given function is executed. It varies during the resolution of the SFormat.

Ex: {origin.parent.%displayName%} on a temperature point.

The origin will always be "Temperature".

The base is first the "Temperature" point, then becomes the parent folder "Folder" (which will be used to resolve the displayName).

Note that at the very beginning of a SFormat, the base and the origin are identical.

  • The functions are chained with “.” They are executed one after the other.

Ex: {origin.outRel('b:isIn').outRel('b:isRentBy').tag('b:customercode')}

  1. origin is resolved from the base. Resolve: "Developer's office".
  2. outRel('b:isIn') is resolved from 'Developer Office'. Result: "Floor1".
  3. outRel('b:isRentBy') is resolved from 'Floor'1. Result: "VayanData
  4. tag('b:customercode') is resolved from 'VayanData'. Result: "VD"

  • Some functions have no parameters: empty parentheses become optional.

Ex: {parent()} becomes {parent}

  • The SFormat can call BFormat which runs against the current base. Ex: {outRel('b:locSourceOf').%displayName%} where the displayName applies to the endpoint of the relationship 'b:locSourceOf'.

  • The SFormat can work on a base which is a table. In this case :
    • If the following function is applied to an array (see "array manipulation functions") then the entire array is processed.

Ex: {children.length} applies

  • If the following function does not apply to an array, then the function is repeated on each element of the array.

Ex: {children.%displayName%} applies the function "%displayName%" to each child of the database. The result is an array with all the displayNames of the children.

  • The SFormat can be nested in another SFormat, it is called "nested" SFormat. There is no limit on nested SFormats, you can nest as many as you want. So you can make a SFormat in a SFormat in a SFormat...

The deepest SFormat is resolved first.

Ex: {ord('station:|slot:/Mapping').slot('cas{origin.tag('b:numero')}’)}

  • {origin.tag('b:numero')} is resolved first and returns "5". This result is replaced in the parent SFormat.
  • {ord('station:|slot:/Mapping').slot('cas5')} is then resolved and fetches the "cas5" slot of a component named Mapping.

  • In SFormat, many characters are used:
    • The "." to separate functions
    • The "," to separate the parameters
    • The "()" to pass the parameters
    • The " ' ' " for text parameters

  • The "{}" to encapsulate the format
  • The "[]" to encode text (explanation below)

All these characters are banned from parameters: indeed, they cannot be used in parameters under penalty of being interpreted. When you need these characters inside a parameter, you must encode them: you then use

"[]" (which also become special characters...).

Any text enclosed in square brackets will never be interpreted by the SFormat. Ex: We want to make a query:

{ord('station:|slot:|bql: select displayName, slotPathOrd from control:ControlPoint')} This query contains a comma and so the SFormat believes that there are two parameters:

  • Parameter 1: "station:|slot:|bql: select displayName"
  • Parameter 2: "slotPathOrd from control:ControlPoint"

The comma must be encoded to tell the SFormat that it should not be interpreted.

{ord('station:|slot:|bql: select displayName[,] slotPathOrd from control:ControlPoint')}

The basic functions of the SFormat


  • {origin} or {base}

This is the basis on which the SFormat will evaluate itself. In strategies, the origin is the node or infoSource on which the strategy is executed.

Ex: {origin} returns the node of a strategy or the parent of an SFormatTester

·     {parent}

Retrieves the parent of the database

Ex: {parent} returns the point if the base is an extension for example

·     {slot('param')}

Retrieves any slot of a component.

  • param:
    • The encoded name of a slot

Ex: {slot('b$3adescription')} returns the description slot

  • The unencrypted name of a slot

Ex: {slot('b:description')} returns the same result

  • The type of a slot (in this case, the first slot found is returned)

Ex: {slot('baja:AbsTime')} returns the first slot of type AbsTime

·     {children('type')}

Retrieves all direct children of a certain type of component. The type parameter is optional and if it is not filled in, the function returns all the child components of the database.

Ex: {children('baja:AbsTime')} returns all slots of type AbsTime

Ex: {children('btibToolkit:BqlToWidgets')} returns all BqlToWidgets directly

children of the component

Ex: {children} returns all child components

·     {ord('query')}

Allows you to execute a query on one or more components: a slotPathOrd, a BQL, or a NEQL. The query can be relative to the database. The result of this function is always an array containing the results of the query.

Ex: {ord('slot:|bql :select * from control:ControlPoint')}: query related to the database

Functions on tags and relations


  • {tag('tagId')}

Retrieves the value of the tag with the selected id. Works with direct tags and

implied (contrary to the BFormat).

Ex: {tag('b:shortName')} on a property. In BFormat: %b$3ashortName%

Ex: {tag('b:description')} on an implied tag. Impossible in BFormat

·     {relations('direction', 'relationId')}

Retrieves the endpoints of the selected relationships.

  • direction:
    • in: for incoming relationships
    • out: for outgoing relationships
    • both: for all relationships
  • relationId: the id of the relation

The result is an array containing the endpoints.

Ex: {relations('in', 'n:child')} retrieves the components linked to the database by a relation incoming "n:child" (in other words, retrieve all the children in the database)

·     {outRel('relationId')}

Retrieves the first outgoing relationship with the selected id. This is a shortcut to the

SFormat {relations('out', 'relationId')}.

The result is directly the endpoint (not an array).

Ex: {outRel('b:isIn')} retrieves the first component linked to the database by a relation

"b:isIn" outgoing (i.e., retrieves the building if the base is a floor)

·     {inRel('relationId')}

Retrieves the first incoming relation with the selected id. This is a shortcut to the SFormat {relations('in', 'relationId')}.

The result is directly the endpoint (not an array).

Ex: {inRel('b:isIn')} retrieves the first component linked to the database by a relation

"b:isIn" incoming (in other words, retrieves the first office if the base is a floor)

The array manipulation functions


  • {first} and {last}

Retrieves the first and last element of an array respectively.

Ex: {children.first} returns the first child of a component

·     {item(index)}

Retrieves the element at the given index of the array. The index starts at 0.

Ex: {children.item(2)} returns the 3rd child of a component

·     {length}

Returns the size of an array

Ex: {ord('slot:|bql :select * from control:ControlPoint').length} returns the number of points inside the origin

·     {removeFirst} and {removeLast}

Returns the array without its first value and without its last value respectively. Ex: {VC.removeFirst} where VC contains an array of all the VCs in a zone. The first one is the master, we want to get only the slaves.

·     {removeDuplicates}

Returns the table by removing the duplicates.

Ex: {relations('both', 'b:discussWith'). removeDuplicates} where the array of relations could return the same element twice.

·     {display('[format]')}

Executes an SFormat on each element of the array. The result is a text composed of the result of all formats.

Be careful, the SFormat will contain special characters. It is therefore encoded in square brackets [format] to prevent the parent SFormat from interpreting it.

You can use " \n " to go to the line between each result.

Ex : {children.display('[Child: %displayName%\n]')} will look for all the children in the database, will apply the SFormat " Child: %displayName% \n " for each child and then will concatenate all the results :

"Child: Distrib Child: Operations Child: VayanData

The functions dedicated to the model


  • {node(level)}

Retrieves the ascending node of a node at a given level. This function only applies to working nodes regardless of the number of "b:isIn" relationships to be retrieved.

Ex: We are looking for the site (level 1) in which the following nodes are located:

  • Building A: {outRel('b:isIn')}
  • Floor 2: {outRel('b:isIn'). outRel('b:isIn')}
  • Office: {outRel('b:isIn'). outRel('b:isIn'). outRel('b:isIn')}

So different formats3 are needed depending on the base. The {node(1)} function allows you to replace them all.

·     {node('aspect', level)}

This is the same function for InfoSources. The difference is that you must give the aspect to be traced back to (since an infoSource is linked to several aspects). The aspect must be identified by its shortName.

Ex: {node('str', 1)} to find the (level 1) site on the structure aspect ("str") from an infoSource. The function will pull up the relationships "b:strSourceOf" (assignment), "b:strSubSourceOf" (inheritance) and "b:isIn".

·     {infoSource}

Retrieves the infoSource from the database. This is a shortcut for {slot('InfoSource')}.

Ex: {point.infoSource}

Text manipulation functions


  • {split('text')}

Split the base according to a text (or a character).

Ex: {%displayName%.split('_')}

Let's suppose that the displayName is " TEMP_EXT_Z04_S005 ", the result will be an array composed of 4 elements : " TEMP ", " EXT ", " Z04 " and " S005 ". We can then retrieve each element with the function item(x).

·     {number(maxChars)}

Extracts a number at the end of a text. Useful to retrieve the number of Lon objects. The parameter indicates the maximum number of characters to extract: one character to extract for numbers up to 9, two characters to extract for numbers up to 99, three characters to extract for numbers up to 999, etc.

Ex: {%name%.number(2)}

Suppose that the name could be "store1" or "store12", the result would be respectively "1" or "12"

·     {prefix('text')}, {suffix('text')} and {orEmpty}

These functions allow displaying nothing if the base is null. If it is not, they add respectively a prefix to the text, a suffix to the text or the text alone. They allow you to avoid errors like "err:" or "null" in the result.

Ex: {tag('b:site').suffix('-')}{tag('b:building').orEmpty}{tag('b:floor').prefix('-'}

  • "BTIB - Building 1- Floor2" if the database has all the tags
  • "BTIB - Building1" if the base does not have a b:floor tag
  • "if the base has no tag

·     {replace('text', 'replacement)}

Replaces the text of the first parameter with the text of the second parameter in the database (which must be a text).

Ex: {%name%.replace('ventilo', 'VC')} : "ventilo34" becomes “VC34”

Ex: {%displayName%.replace('_', '')} : "TEMP_EXT_006" becomes “TEMPEXT006”

The calculation functions

  • {add(x)}, {subtract(x)}, {multiply(x)} and {divide(x)}

Returns the result of the operation (respectively addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) of the base (which must be a number) and the number x.

Ex: {tag('b:level'). add(1)} on a level node will1 return "2"

The conversion functions

  • {toString}, {toInt}, {toDouble}, {toOrd}, {toBrush}

Convert the base to String / Integer / Double / Ord / Brush respectively

Ex: {tag('surface').divide(100).toInt} to get an integer

·     {toSimple('type')}

Convert the base to Simple whose type is passed in parameter

Ex: {toString('false'). toSimple('baja:Boolean')} to create a false boolean

Functions on conditions


  • {equals(value)}

Returns a boolean (true if the base is equal to the parameter, false otherwise). The parameter can be a text, a number, or even a SFormat.

Ex: {%displayName%.equals('Point')}

Ex: {%name%.number(2). equals(10)}

·     {like('*value*')}

Returns a boolean (true if the base (which must be a text) matches the pattern passed in the parameter. The wildcard " * " can be used at the beginning, at the end or both.

Ex: {'*Numeric*')}

Ex: {%name%. like('VC_*')}

·     {greaterThan(value)} and {lessThan(value)}

Returns a boolean (true if the base (which must be a number) is respectively greater or smaller than the parameter, false otherwise).

Ex: {tag('b:surface').greaterThan(200)}

·     {not}

Returns the negation of the base (which must be a boolean).

Ex: {tag('b:metier').equals('HVAC').not} returns true if the job is not HVAC

·     {ternary(condition, value1, value2)}

A ternary allows to return a result according to a condition. If the condition is valid, the first parameter (value1) is returned; otherwise, the second parameter (value2) is returned.

The condition must return a boolean. The condition and the two parameters can be nested SFormats.

Ex: If the zone is an office we want to write "Office", otherwise we want to write "Other".

  • The ternary looks like this: {condition, 'Office', 'Other'}
  • The condition is: {tag('b:typeZone'). equals('Office')}
  • By integrating the condition, we have a nested SFormat:

{{tag('b:typeZone').equals('Office'), 'Office', 'Other'}

Tips and tricks

  • There is a component in Active to test formats (BFormat and SFormat). It can be found in several palettes, notably in btibCore > SFormat >

The Format is resolved in relation to the component in which the test is located.

Ex: If we put a SFormatTester in an extension

alarm, it will be resolved in relation to the extension and allows

so to test the format to put in sourceName.

  • Write the functions one by one and check the result each time.

Ex: {origin.parent} then check that we have the expected result.

{origin.parent.outRel('b:strSourceOf')} then check.

{origin.parent. outRel('b:strSourceOf').tag('b:typeZone')} Tada!

  • The best tip: know all the functions of the SFormat by heart.