
This block is used to apply a rollup on a table values. It supposes that the table is at least composed by a timestamp column. 

A rollup aggregates values according a period and an operator. It also allows to standardize timestamps of all tables (so it is easier to process cross tables operations).


  • Drag and drop a rollup block from the palette in a data strategy


  • Interval: rollup creates one value per interval: one value per hour, per day, per month...
  • Operator: rollup creates one value by aggregating several values according an operator: sum, average, min, max...  
  • StatusPolicy: determines the status of the aggregated record
    • Union: will merge all the status into one. example: if you have one record with the fault status, one record with the down status and one record with the alarm status, the resulting status will be down, fault, alarm.
    • Intersection: will only keep the values which are common to all the aggregated records. example: if you have one record with the fault, down status, one record with the down, alarm status and one record with the down status, the resulting status will be down.

Advanced Properties

  • InvalidStatus: Filter which allows to ignore records with matching statuses. Any record with at least one of the selected statuses will be ignored. If no statuses are selected, no records will be filtered.
