
The NumericToTrigger component is used to trigger a topic when a change is made to one of its entries. It thus makes it easy to create actions from a rising value for example (without retriggering it on a decrementing value for example).

It also prevents the topic from being retriggered directly after its activation by defining a "timeout" period during which it cannot be triggered, even if there are changes to its entries.



  • Copy / paste the NumericToTrigger component into a WireSheet
  • Set the desired number of entries from the "SetlnputCountValue" action
  • Link the properties of the Numeric values to be monitored to the InX properties of the component
  • Set the timeout period from the "MinUpdateTime" slot
  • Define the state changes that the NumericToTrigger must take into account from the FireChangeOnState property



  • MinUpdateTime: Sets the minimum time delay between two activations of the ValueChanged topic
  • FireChangeOnState {Increment, Decrement}: Defines the InX state changes to take into account (Increment corresponds to a rising input, Decrement means a decreasing value).
  • InputCount: The number of inputs managed by the component
  • ln_X: dynamically created slots to connect the monitored points



  • SetlnputCountValue: Sets the number of entries to handle in the NumericToTrigger component. Adds or deletes StatusNumeric in_X slots.



  • ValueChanged : Triggered on the occurrence of a state change on one of the ln_X inputs that meets the FireChangeOnState condition. The minimum time between two triggers is set by the MinUpdateTime.