The MeanValue component is used to calculate the average of a value over a set period.



  • Copy / paste the component into a WireSheet
  • Link the value for which you wish to calculate an average over time to the MeanValue In slot
  • Set the calculation period via the ExecuteTime property



  • ExecuteTime: This property defines the time period for the average. The output Out is updated following this interval.
  • In: This numeric property is used as the basis for the calculation. If the value is null, the calculation is disabled. Each modification of the input In is taken into account in calculating the average (beware of the values varying too quickly if you use the object on a large scale).
  • LastChange: This property indicates the time and date of the last change of status of In.
  • Out: This numeric output property indicates the result of the calculation. If the input In is null or before the first calculation is made, its value is null. The value is updated according to the ExecuteTime time interval.