
The LastAlarm component is used to store information as the latest alarms occur. The purpose of this component is to collect information that will create an "alarm banner" or "mini alarm console" display.


  • Copy and paste the LastAlarm component into the AlarmService
  • Connect the "Alarm" slot of the alarm classes you want to monitor to the "receive" slot of the LastAlarm
  • In the LastAlarm, specify the maximum priority level of the alarms you will consider. The priority level of the alarms is set in the alarm classes.
  • Specify any additional alarmData you want, for example: building, floor etc.
  • It is possible to acknowledge an alarm by right clicking on the lastAlarmItem -> "actions" -> Ack


  • MaxPriorityLevel: maximum priority level of alarms processed. The priority level is set in the alarm class.
  • OptionalAlarm Data: additional information of the alarms stored in the component for each alarm processed. This information must be contained in the "alarmData" field of an alarm. Enter the names separated by semicolons

          Example: building;floor;hyperlinkOrd

  • cacheEnabled : to switch between the two object operation modes:
    • False: displays the latest alarms as they occur.
    • True: verifies the return to normal of the alarms contained in the list. In this case, it clears the alarms that return to normal from the list then completes the list of alarms by going back to older events and by "browsing" the cache of past alarms.
  • AlarmRecordCacheSize: The size of the alarm cache stored in the component. This cache is used when an alarm returns to normal and is removed from a LastAlarmltem.
  • LastAlarmltemX: Objects created by the SetLastAlarmltemCount action. They store information about alarms that have occurred. There is an action to acknowledge the alarm.


  • Receive: Action to retrieve alarm flows. This slot is to link to the "Alarm" topic of the alarm classes you want.
  • SetLastAlarmltemCount: Sets the number of alarms stored by the component
  • RefreshCache: Rebuilds the cache. This action is necessary if the current alarm list is not complete (indicating that the object cache was not sufficient to preserve past events)


Check-out the use of the Last Alarm in the AlarmSummary card


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