The map is based on the payable Arcgis system, distributed by ESRI in France. It is necessary to create an account beforehand to obtain the use keys and to take out a subscription (from € 20/month for 1,000,000 images). This tutorial explains how to create an account.

Creating an account

You can create an Arcgis for Developers account here: This account will allow you to access the various services offered by Arcgis and is required for the proper functioning of the map components. Fill in your details and confirm.


An email confirmation will be sent to you, just click on the link in the email received to continue creating an account.

Enter your username and password, and confirm.


After filling in your first name, you come to the online setup step. This step will give you access to some Arcgis online services that we do not use for operation of the components.

Make sure to complete the fields correctly in case of future change of the components.


You then come to the following page:

Creating an application

Creating an application will allow you to generate identifiers. These are the identifiers we will use. Click on the button "Create Your First App".



You will then have to enter the title of your application, the tags and a description (optional). For the tags, add javascript.

You will then find identifiers generated automatically by Arcgis. It is these identifiers (Client ID and Client Secret) that you must copy and paste into the  MapLocationContainer component.


Your application works through a credit system. These credits correspond to a number of queries made on the ArcGIS servers. For example, to load a map, about 20 queries are made, when zooming, the map is reloaded, 20 new queries are needed. To have credits available, simply take out a subscription of $ 20 a month via This subscription gives you 200 credits per month, which is more than enough for normal use, with few users of the map

A paid subscription is mandatory for commercial purposes. You can read the conditions of service use here:

For demonstration purposes a subscription is not necessary.