
The AlarmEmaiIRecipient component is identical to the Email Recipient of the alarm module except that it allows the use of HTML code in the body of the mail sent and can be enabled / disabled via a Boolean property for extended sending policies.



  • EmaiIRecipient (alarm module): The AlarmEmaiIRecipient has the same properties as the EmailRecipient of the alarm module with the following properties.
  • Body: You can use HTML tags in the body of the email for better formatting of the messages and better final rendering (you can thus follow a graphic charter, enrich the appearance of the mail and include images).

         Example: Source: <b>%alarmData.sourceName%</b> <br>Timestamp: <u>%timestamp%</u>

  • Enabled: Enables or disables the sending of mail by external logic.


  • Route: To link to alarm classes to trigger the sending of the email


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