
ActionLogExt is an extension for auditing actions fired by the users. It uses the btibCore log system (see Logs), which makes it possible to use the different existing recipients (console, history, etc.).


  • Drag and drop the extension from the palette into a point


  • Status: The status of the component. It can produce a fault if there is a runtime error
  • FaultCause: describes the origin of the fault in case of problem
  • Enabled: Enables or disables log creation
  • LogGroups: Defines to which LogGroup(s) the logs will be sent (see  Logs). The LogGroup severity is an additional parameter that allows log severity to be filtered by LogGroup.
  • Severity: The severity upon which the extension's logs will be sent (before any possible filter added in LogGroups).
  • MessageFomat: The message that will be displayed. You can use data from the auditHistory and from the extension itself using SFormat. You can use the following keys to start your SFormat:

    • "extension" → The extension itself.

    • "audit" → auditHistory. You can use then the following keys (columns of the auditHistory): %timestamp%, %operation%, %target%, %slotName%, %oldValue%, %value% and %userName%

    • "base" → identical
    • "origin" → identical

Ex: {extension.parent.%displayName%} has been changed by {audit.%userName%} to {audit.%value%}