This component is deprecated and can no longer be used with a new account.


The DarkSkyWeather component allows you to connect to the DarkSky API and take advantage of the upcoming 8 days of weather forecasts for free. The number of requests per day is limited to 30.


  • Drag and drop the component into the station
  • Enter the latitude and longitude (in decimal degrees) of the location for which weather information is to be obtained
  • Set the enabled property to true


  • Status: The status of this component can be {ok} if there is no problem, {fault} if it cannot run, or {disabled} if the enabled property is false
  • FaultCause: Displays description of the error if the component fails to run
  • Enabled: Activates the component
  • Latitude: Latitude of the location entered in decimal degrees
  • Longitude: Longitude of the location entered in decimal degrees
  • Lang: Available languages are English ("en"), French ("fr"), German ("ge"), Dutch ("nl"), Spanish ("es") and Tetoum ("tet")
  • ExecuteTime: Trigger used to define the frequency of information updates. The number of requests per day is limited to 30, the interval between two executions must be at least one hour.
  • LastAttempt: Date and time of the last attempt to run the component (and to recover data)
  • LastSuccess: Date and time component last run successfully
  • LastFailure: Date and time component last failed to run
  • ExcludeCurrentlyReport: Disables use of current data
  • ExcludeHourlyReport: Disables the use of hourly data (over the next 48 hours)
  • ExcludeDailyReport: Disables the use of daily data (over the next 8 days)
  • HourlyNumberForecast: Integer that defines a limitation on the number of hours in the forecast, from 1 to 49 hours. It is advisable to limit the number of hours to reduce the number of components in the station, each hour representing a significant number of slots.
  • DailyNumberForecast: Integer that defines a limitation on the number of days in the forecast, from 1 day to 8 days.

For more details on the information retrieved, see the API documentation:

The numeric information recovered is usually saved as a StatusNumeric. If there was no value found in the API response, the property will reflect a {stale} state, otherwise it will be in an {ok} state.


  • Execute: Executes the component. This requires an internet connection.

Terms of Use and Credits

The Darksky API is made freely available by B.tib. In return, you agree not to use more than one DarkSkyWeather component per station. You also agree to abide by the Darksky API terms of use which can be found at https://darksky.net/dev/docs/terms. These conditions contain the following particular items:

  • Visibly display the message "Powered by Dark Sky" on your application close to the displayed weather data.
  • Add the following link to the message: https://darksky.net/poweredby/

You can use one of the following logos to display the message: