What an incredible release here! A lot of new features you were dreaming of are out. So browse the documentation, try it for yourself and enjoy!

Modules changeLog



  • MemoryMonitor: Introduce a new component to monitor the JVM memory and produces logs and alarms (AC-943)
  • BtibService: Improve performance of Toolkit components execution by allowing several threads. You can now adjust the number of allocated threads (AC-996)
  • MultiOrdSelection: Introduce the MultiOrdSelection to select several ord queries like several histories (AC-998)
  • OrdSelection: Introduce SFormat support in the selection to be able to build advanced relative dashboards (AC-998)
  • ResourceDefinition: Add a new option called exactMatch to allow for resource matching from an ascendant (AC-1054)
  • SFormatToStatusString, SFormatToStatusBoolean, SFormatToStatusNumeric: Introduce a new set of components to transform a SFormat result into a StatusValue. It's very useful for automating tests in the station.
  • SubscriptionSelection: Introduce a new selection to be used with a SubscriptionTrigger from the strategies. You can target any component in the station to observe changes.
  • SFormat: Introduce a set of 25 new functions to manipulate string, browse components etc.


  • PointLogExt: Fix an issue with the first value change (AC-1005)
  • ActionLogExt: Fix an issue when the point was renamed, the logs were not sent anymore (AC-1073)
  • ActionLogExt: Add support for SFormat in the message format
  • NumericToTriggerIntroduce a new control component to trigger actions based on numeric changes (AC-1007)
  • StatusOverrideExt: Introduce a new extension to override parent's status (AC-1007)
  • SetNumericFallbackOnDelayExt: Introduce a new extension to reset a NumericPoint value after a certain time (AC-1007)
  • SetBooleanFallbackOnDelayExt: Introduce a new extension to reset a BooleanPoint value after a certain time (AC-1007)
  • EnhancedHttpGet: Handle now the basic auth (AC-1074)
  • [Deprecated] DarkSkyWeather: Deprecate the component since Apple bought the company and the API is no longer available for new users. The component will work till the end of 2021. (AC-1089)
  • StatusStringToSpecialEvent: Introduce a component to transform a payload received from a JSON into a Schedule Special Event
  • ClearHistoriesIntroduce a component to clean orphan histories in the station
  • DistechCommandSender, DistechCredentials, DistechBinding: Introduce a new set of components to manage Distech Eclypse API for internal bindings.
  • ComponentsToJson: Introduce a new component to convert Niagara slots into a JSON format


  • InfoSource: Fix the issue "Cannot initialize: javax.baja.sys.BMarker cannot be cast to javax.baja.naming.BOrdList" when adding an InfoSource while an history extension is already in a point.(AC-986)
  • NodeCreator: Fix an issue when deleting a Node on particular conditions (AC-985)
  • NodeCreatorFix an issue on the NodeCreator on save when using DynamicEnum NodeTag (AC-1011)
  • Model Propagation: Introduce model propagation to share Nodes between Niagara stations (AC-752)
  • Source Propagation: Introduce source propagation (any Niagara component with an InfoSource inside) between Niagara stations to parameter the NiagaraNetwork automatically while keeping all the assignments (AC-956)
  • InfoSource Propagation Browser: Introduce a new on the InfoSource to define whether to propagate a source to supervisor or subordinate station or to inherit the config from a parent (AC-1018)
  • Extension Propagation: Introduce extensions propagation for points to parameter the extension. Synchronization works both ways. HistoryImport components are created automatically in the Niagara Network as well (AC-1010)
  • Propagation Diagnostic: Introduce a new folder in the BtibService dedicated to the propagation with inside a component you can use to summarize all of your propagation configuration. (AC-1016)
  • SourceRelation: Fix an issue with relation id created by the AssignmentView through the SourceRelations. It was not escaped properly. (AC-829)
  • PasteSource Command: Fix an issue when a child was inherited from a parent contained in the pasted source. (AC-929)
  • AssignmentView: Fix an issue when a source is assigned to a NodeGroup, several relations were created before, only one to the NodeGroup now. (AC-1053)
  • AssignmentView: Fix an issue with BooleanSourceTag when the default value was set to true, it was impossible to set it back to false in the AssignmentView (AC-1077)


  • SubscriptionTrigger: Add a new trigger for strategies. A strategy can be launched now from a value change from any component
  • Rename: Introduce a new block to rename a component
  • FilterPredicateArtifact: Introduce a new block to filter artifacts based on a SFormat predicate
  • FilterConditionArtifact: Introduce a new block to filter artifacts by comparing two parameters using SFormat
  • CsvArtifact: Introduce a new block to load a csv file as an artifact. Very useful when you want to use some data input in a strategy
  • Copy: Introduce a block to copy flags or facets of a component
  • Forward: Fix a few issues when calling a sub strategy
  • ForwardLoop: Introduce the concept of a For loop in the strategies. It allows you to use an index
  • IfMultiple: Introduce a new advanced block to define multiple conditions. Pretty useful when you have to handle a lot of different conditions
  • Sleep: Introduce a new block to pause a strategy. Use with caution, the entire strategy process is paused. Recommended for debugging only


  • Gauge: Improve the PlotBands editor (AC-983)
  • EnhancedBoundTable: Fix an issue with subscription. Before the point description was lost whenever the point value was changed (AC-982)
  • EnhancedBoundTable: Add a new option to disable the subscription in order to speed up the loading time. Improve performance on query resolving. (AC-1015)
  • EnhancedBoundTable Card: Handle now the SFormat in the query (only in the card) (AC-1075)
  • HistoryListSelector: Fix an issue with special characters for the format field (AC-980)
  • LiveChartCard: Introduce the possibility to use relative Ords to target LiveChart (AC-976)
  • FlexView: Font style uniformisation (AC-926)
  • ChartViewer: Fix a localization issue when dealing with float numbers (AC-1008)
  • ChartViewer: Fix an issue when creating a chart. The yAggregation and the rollup weren't taken into account by default (AC-979)
  • ChartViewerImprove exports to pdf, csv, svg and png to work both on the Workplace and on Chrome or Mozilla Web browsers and to work offline (no need for an Internet connection anymore) (AC-916)
  • ChartViewer: Introduce a new feature to allow the end user to personalize how each history should be displayed: rollup, color, type of chart , delta and chart splitting.
  • ChartViewer: Fix an issue when the user was constrained to define the history and the Timerange selections on creation. It's no longer mandatory. You can just drag&drop histories from the History tree. (AC-978)
  • ChartViewer: Introduce a new option to shift every chart of a selection to be displayed on the top of each other (AC-1009)
  • ChartViewer: Fix an issue with boolean and enum histories legend (AC-1012)
  • ChartViewer: Improve drag&drop management to allow a user to easily add histories on a chart (AC-1029)
  • ChartViewer: Add a new option to live reload automatically the charts (AC-1037)
  • ChartViewer: Fix an issue with NaN values in the charts (AC-1061)
  • FlexView: Add a new feature to duplicate a card and add some indications when first creating a FlexView (AC-937)
  • TagHistoryListSelector: Introduce a new card to select histories based on their tags using dropdowns. Dropdowns can be dependent from each other to create sequence of selections. (AC-921)
  • HeatMap: Introduce a new card to display a Heat Map with a daily analysis or a weekday analysis. (AC-922)
  • ConsumptionReportTable: Add new options to personalize the colors of the table (AC-975)
  • SimpleGauge: Introduce a simple gauge to display a numeric value (AC-992)
  • DynamicControlPoint: Introduce a new card to display a specific editor for each control:Point or baja:StatusValue or baja:Simple. Display a slider for a numeric point, a toggle for a boolean, a list for an enumeration or an input field for a string. (AC-999)
  • Markdown: Introduce a new option to refresh the Markdown card content regularly. It's super convenient especially if you have some SFormat inside. (AC-1024)
  • NodeDrawer: Fix an issue with the SourceSelection NodeTag (AC-1048)
  • ComponentViewer: Handle now SFormat in the ord (AC-1066)
  • StatusHeader: Fix an issue when using an ExternalStatusOverride extension in the point. The status was blinking. (AC-1076)
  • HierarchyGraph: Improve loading performance of the view with a step by step process and add new features to display all the relations and tags on a right panel with corresponding views.


Common to all connectors

  • StatisticsExt: Introduction of a generic component to monitor statistics for each connector. (AC-944)
  • Add support for SFormat in the DeviceQuery slot of a PointExt in order to find the associated container (AC-959)
  • Introduce the data retention to store temporarily data on Niagara when connection is lost and send back smoothly the data when connection is back (AC-988)
  • Introduce two new options for managing message sending frequency: the minimum amount of time before allowing sending events and the maximum amount of time before forcing event sending (AC-989)
  • Improve management of nan, +inf et inf values management (because they don't exist in a JSON) with a new policy available in the AdvancedConfig of each connector (AC-991)
  • Add support for NiagaraNetwork points to apply mesages. Don't forget to set the canWrite tag to true to make it work (AC-1067)
  • Fix connection loss issues for connectors using MQTT (AC-993)
  • Add a new option canWrite to prevent 3rd party to change a point value in Niagara (AC-1025)
  • Introduce new options in the advanced config to personalize the payload content, add new tags value, personalize the command payload etc. The system can be now compliant to the UDMI format. See the tutorial Configure the connector to be compliant with UDMI (AC-1062)
  • Introduce a new option in the advancedConfig to handle a JSON content into a string.


  • btibAWS: Introduce a new connector implementation to communicate with Amazon Web Services (AC-1030)

DATAFLOW [Only on Niagara 4.8]

Introduce a whole new version of the module to handle histories in a more flexible way with a new set of blocks:

    • SelectionBlock: Used as an input source from a Selection of Histories. It transforms histories into tables for the calculations.
    • ConstantBlock: Set a constant in a table.
    • ScheduleBlock: Import values based on a schedule. Useful for a price input that may change on irregular basis
    • DeltaBlock: Handle delta calculation for consumption histories
    • RollupBlock: Uniformise data on the same timestamp
    • DistribBlock: Compute the distribution of a value. Useful to count the percentage of a boolean value equal to true per hour for example;
    • CommutativeBlock: Apply a commutative operations between two columns (Sum, Average, Product etc.)
    • SubtractBlock: Subtract two columns
    • DivideBlock: Divide two columns
    • ExtractColumnBlock: Extract some columns from a table
    • RenameColumnBlock: Rename a column
    • SetFacetsColumnBlock: Set facets on a column. Useful when a facets change after a product calculation
    • Concat: Concatenate tables together
    • TableDebug: Used to visualise the different tables being manipulated by the blocks
    • History: Save the tables into histories



  • Fix an issue with the creation of components starting with a special character (AC-981)
  • Handle now xlsx files in order to use extended functionalities. Update default templates files to xlsx (Use the dedicated button on the export tool to update your existing templates) (AC-994)
  • Improve logs on error by adding the corresponding row and column (AC-1001)
  • Add a warning to indicate when a subcolumn wasn't created usually because the column was duplicated in the Excel (AC-1002)
  • Handle now the InfoSource in the Excel with its own subcolumns to define the mnemonic, the description, the sourceDisplayName, the new syncUp option etc. (AC-1019)
  • Improve the documentation in the files template and on the Website with "try it yourself" examples (AC-1034)
  • Introduce a new syntax to write Bacnet address (see ~AddressHelp sheet). The former syntax is still working but deprecated. (AC-1044)
  • Fix an issue when exporting a component with a displayName containing / . The Internal ID is now escaped on export. (AC-1042)
  • Default sheets from config files are now taking into account only if necessary. Default sheets of the target file (if existing) will have the priority. (AC-1043)
  • Handle now the SourceTags in the Excel and readonly sourcetags as well. Introduction of the prefix tagReadonly: for the export (AC-1049)
  • Prevent updating readonly tags (AC-1050)
  • Fix some issues with the assignment feature (AC-1052)
  • Add a clean keyword before an assignment to clear existing relations. Example: {clean}&&Air Handling/AHU (AC-1085)



  • JSON Key Selector: Introduction the all revert feature in the JSON Selector to invert a JSON array order (AC-987)
  • Add a dozen of new API examples in the palette (AC-987)
  • Introduce a new dedicated ScheduleImportExt for Microsoft Outlook. It optimizes the communication and allows for patching existing events.



Components/Views Status

Some of new features are still in beta while we make some adjustments.



Connector advanced configurationbeta

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